Examinations & Internal Assessments

A level and BTEC students celebrate their top results with A*, A and Distinction*s

External Examinations

Summer 2024 results

For details of our GCSE, A level and BTEC exam results, please download our press releases below or visit or Exam Results page here.

Click on the link to see the Department for Education Performance Tables

Guides, Information and podcasts for students and parents:

Understanding results and grades: a guide for students, parents and carers (pearson.com)

Ofqual Podcast: Reliability of exam marking - YouTube

AQA | Student and parent support | Results day

Please find advice on next steps once you have had your results following the JCQ guidance linked here.

Click here if you wish to make a review of results.

For any enquiries regarding exam results please use the following email address: examenquiries@brentsidehigh.ealing.sch.uk


Coursework and controlled assessment marks and reviews:

Students and families are able to ask the school to review the marking of a piece of coursework. The guidance on the process and costs of this service is linked below:


Appeals Against Internal Assessment of Work

Remarks and Other Post-Results Services

There are always routes for appeal against externally awarded grades each year, as long as appeals are submitted prior to the published deadlines.  Information about appeals and other enquiries after results service (EARs) is published in this section each year depending on the national system.  The most recent appeals system will appear at the top of this page. 

Internal Assessments

At Brentside High School we have annual internal assessments for all year groups, with Years 10,11 and 12 all having two sets of assessments in preparation for their final examination year at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 respectively. These assessments are synoptic so that students develop their ability to recall and apply knowledge of topics covered throughout the year/course, rather than only the most recently taught material.

These assessments are designed to: assess students’ knowledge and understanding at each stage of the curriculum; identify misconceptions and receive teacher feedback to address them; develop students’ revision skills, specifically to recall and apply knowledge from the entire course; ensure students are familiar with the expectation surrounding examinations so this becomes routine; and celebrate outstanding progress as a community.

Revision Guidance

The timetable for each set of assessments will be published several weeks in advance to support students in planning their revision. Guidance on what to revise for each subject will be shared on Satchel One (previously Show My Homework) and both assemblies and form time will be devoted to developing revision skills.

At Brentside we want all students to be able to study and revise effectively. To support all students we provide common techniques across the curriculum. These techniques are underpinned by evidence based research – this means all teachers refer to the most effective revision techniques. For further details on effective revision strategies, please refer to our Learning Resources page.