Medical & Welfare

Brentside High School has an experienced Student Attendance and Welfare Officer (SAWO) who works closely with our pastoral teams to ensure the health and welfare of our pupils in all year groups.

Should students feel unwell during the school day, they should, in the first instance, inform their teacher who will then call patrol (first aider) for assistance. If necessary, the SAWO will contact the parent or carer. Students should not contact home directly.

If your child has the need for any medication that needs to be taken at school, or an existing medical condition that we should know about, they must have an up-to-date Health Plan on our records at school. Please follow this link to access/download a Health Plan to complete. Any medication that needs to be kept in school must be in date and clearly labelled. Any student who is prescribed an epipen must have a spare one kept in the school's reception for emergency use. We also recommend that a spare asthma inhaler is stored in the Welfare Office for students requiring one.

Please keep the SAWO informed of any medical issues that may affect a pupil while they are at school, or any changes in your child’s condition. You can email the school on, and mark the email for the attention of the SAWO, or call the school directly.

We also work with the NHS School Nurse team, who will visit the school if we feel there is a need, and can talk to students about a number of issues. If you would like to be put in touch with a school nurse team, please contact the school for further details.

Find out more

You can find out more about some of the conditions outlined above through the NHS website: