Friends at Brentside were delighted to raise over £200 for our students at the two evening performances of Bugsy Malone before half term.
A huge thank you to all our wonderful helpers and customers!
We will be holding a second-hand uniform sale on Friday, 24 March after school, so if you have any uniform you’re happy to donate, please drop them off at the school office, clean and in a plastic bag, labelled ‘Donation for F@B’.
Don’t forget you can support F@B by choosing us as your Co-op community cause: Raise money every time you purchase Co-op branded products and services at no extra cost to you.
You can also raise money for F@B every time you shop online through Easyfundraising, again at no extra cost to you. Choose from over 7,000 brands at
We always welcome more volunteers, so if you’re able to help in any way, we’d love to hear from you at