We want to instil a passion for the English language in our students and a love of reading that will equip them with a set of metaphorical keys on their journey to excellence in current and future endeavours. We believe that English is the foundation stone to not only other subjects, but also to all elements of students’ lives.
The English curriculum at Brentside High is designed to develop students reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. It is planned to expand and draw on student’s cultural capital and teach them how to think critically, and how to be active, rather than passive, recipients of information.
It is our goal to help our young people become communicatively competent citizens, aware of their ethical and moral responsibilities. To equip them with the literacy tools to become citizens who can actively participate and make positive contributions in all aspects of life.
At Brentside High, we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that caters to the needs of all learners. Our English curriculum is knowledge-rich, inclusive and deliberately designed to build curiosity. It develops skills of enquiry, resilience and the ability to face challenges with a positive mindset.
Our students will be able to:
demonstrate mastery of reading through discussion and writing;
read complex passages confidently and methodically;
analyse the language and structure techniques that writers use to create meaning;
enjoy a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which help them to connect with the world around them;
write clearly, fluently and accurately in plain English, showing flair and creativity where appropriate;
develop detailed ideas in writing, adapting language to audience and purpose;
use a wide range of appropriate and ambitious vocabulary with precision;
craft ‘beautiful work’ of which they can be proud;
be verbally articulate and express their views and opinions about a wide range of topics clearly, confidently and respectfully;
develop a love and passion for reading that will take them through their life journey;
develop cultural capital that will help remove barriers to achievement in school, future learning and the world of work.
Please find the curriculum maps for this subject below.