Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I find out term dates?
All term dates are published on the school website and in half termly newsletters to parents. Click here for the term dates section of our website.
2. What does my child need to wear for school?
All uniform requirements are printed in the student planner and are posted on the school website here. This includes what to wear as well as what not to wear to school! Please read this carefully.
3. What equipment will my child need?
Students will need:
- blue or black pen and spare pen
- green pen and spare green pen
- a ruler
- a pencil
- a sharpener
- a rubber
- a calculator
- a compass
- a projector
- a clear pencil case
The compulsory equipment requirements above are also printed in the student planner.
We also recommend students have:
- a glue stick
- highlighter pens
4. How will I know how well my child is progressing at school?
All students receive at least three written reports each year depending on their year group, outlining their achievement in each subject as well as their attitude to learning. Parents/carers are also invited to attend Target Setting Day, Target Review Day and a Parents’ Evening to review their child’s progress.
5. How will I know what homework to expect?
The easiest way to check what homework your child has been set is to log on to Satchel One (previously called Show My Homework). This is available from the school website under the homework section and can be accessed here. A free app is also downloadable for your smart phone or tablet. Click here to access information about the app. Students will also have a copy of their homework timetable stuck in their planners and this is also posted on the website. A parent/carer or student accessing Satchel One through their individual login, will only see the homework/notices relevant for their child.
6. Who do I speak to if I have any concerns?
Your child’s tutor is your first port of call if you have any concerns. They know your child best and can be contacted via a note in the student planner or via email. They can refer you to other staff where appropriate. You can find staff contact details via the Contact Us section of the website.
7. How do I book time off school?
Attending school is vital to ensure your child’s success. We strongly advise that all medical appointments are made outside of school time wherever possible.
Holidays must be taken outside of term time and any requests for time off for extenuating circumstances must be made in writing in advance to the headteacher for special consideration.
8. What extra-curricular activities do you have on offer?
9. How do I know my child will be stretched and challenged in the classroom?
We plan lessons with detailed knowledge of the prior attainment of our students and ensure that work is appropriately differentiated to meet all their needs. We closely track the progress of all our students against their minimum target grades to ensure they are making outstanding progress.
10. What if my child needs help with their learning?
We plan lessons with detailed knowledge of the prior attainment of our students and ensure that work is appropriately differentiated to meet all their needs. In addition our learning support department offers first class support in and outside the classroom for students with special educational needs. We identify the needs of each individual and offer bespoke support based on those needs. For find out more about our learning support department, click here.
11. What food is on offer in the canteen?
The canteen offers a three-week healthy and diverse menu, which can be viewed on our website. Meals deals offer the best value for money and a balanced diet. You can access the lunch menus here.
12. How do we pay for school lunches?
Our canteen runs a cashless system. Students pay for their lunch with a thumb image which links to their ParentPay account.
13. How do I apply for free school meals?
Information about applying for free school meals is available on the Ealing Council website and also under our School Life/School Lunches section of our website.